The latter part of July was spent getting ready to serve at Creation Fest, which began at the beginning of August. It was so great being able to serve in different areas as a team. Some were serving through running pottery sessions, manning our YWAM Immerse stand in the exhibition area. For us Wendy was serving in on the cafe team and Daniel was serving on the stewarding team.
There were many stories from the festival of seeing God working in the lives of all those who come. Sometimes we can easily think is my part that I play of value, but so often God reminds us that when we are working together and making it possible for events to happen it allows God to work in and through those events.
We want to encourage you that the part you play in God’s Kingdom it is valued and significant. Sometimes we can easily feel we aren’t making a difference but perhaps when we look at things through God’s eyes we will see how that part we play has allowed Him to work as He uses us all working together.

The end of August saw us heading to Northern Ireland. We had been asked to serve the YWAM Ireland gathering by cooking and preparing their meals. This would allow all of their staff to be fully at their meetings. We have seen how having others come to serve us in our gatherings in the past has allowed us to be fully part of the gathering and so it was a great joy to be able to do the same for our friends in Ireland.

We were at YWAM An Cuan in Rostrevor for the gathering, a place that C.S. Lewis described as being as close as he can imagine Narnia to be like. Afterwards we were able to have a few days as a family to visit some other parts of Northern Ireland. God really has made a beautiful land with some amazing landscapes.

This autumn four members of our team have headed out to Brazil for a 6 week outreach. When we moved to Cornwall almost 7 years ago we saw Cornwall as a place that would send people out into missions. Historically many people would go out from Cornwall, particularly through the mining industry. We have been praying that Cornwall would be a place known for sending people out to share the Gospel. The team will be serving ministries in Rio and the Amazon.
Please be praying for the team, for protection and for fruitful ministry during this outreach.