Partner with us to minister to Cornwall and the Nations

Love | Connect | Serve

We are 75% away from meeting our monthly goal.


Would you be part of helping us reach 100% of our goal?

Over the years we have seen how God uses not just 1 or 2 but He uses a whole community of His people to see His mission fulfilled. We have committed our lives to serving God in missions, but we need you’re help. 

We are needing to see our monthly budget met. This covers housing, food, education of our children, local transport, rest and times of refreshment, ministry travel and other expenses that allow us to serve God in this way.

If 40 people committed just £75 per month we would meet our goal.

Would you prayerfully consider supporting monthly with a gift of £150, £100, £75 or £50 per month, to help us reach our goal and be part of our ministry serving the people of Cornwall and seeing the next generation of missionaries going out from the UK to the nations.

If you would like to know more about our specific ministry areas you can visit our Ministry page.

How to Give.

We have specific ways you can give depending on the country you give from. This allows your giving to be as easy as possible for you but also allows it to go further when possible.

Specific needs

Although our monthly support is what enables us to serve year in year out, we occasionally have specific needs that we are raising funds for. We will list these specific needs below and if you would like to give into one of these you can use the means of giving found above and send us an email to let us know if your giving is for one of these needs.

Home Schooling

Since 2023 we felt that God was leading us to start homeschooling our girls. This has been a journey where we have seen our girls becoming confident and exploring the areas that they are passionate about. This year we need to fundraise for one of our girls tests that UK require to go to college, which means that we need to fundraise £1500.

Goal £1500

Practicing Dependence on God

YWAM’s 16th value is to Practice Dependence on God.

We have seen God’s faithfulness over the years as we have served full-time with YWAM. Through the generosity of His people we have been able to serve here in the UK and different nations around the world.

Our support team is a crucial part of our ministry and without the prayers, encouragement and financial giving of those who want to stand with us in our ministry we wouldn’t be able to do this work.

We rely fully on the financial of others giving for our work. If you would like to partner with us by becoming a regular supporter or would like to give a one off gift you can do so through the links below.

As you pray for us and our work and feel there is another way you would like to support us, whether it be through a gift or through your time please contact us.

Every gift whether large or small is a huge encouragement to us to keep running this race serving God.

We'd love to stay connected.

We send out regular news and prayer requests, we’d love to stay connected with you to share about what God is doing here in Cornwall.