Our Vision and Team Leadership

When God called us to Cornwall it was with the vision to raise up others and create a platform for new ministry expressions in Cornwall. Our heart of love for the people of Cornwall has grown over the past few years. Through working in discipleship training schools and serving local churches and ministries we are believing for a new wave of missions to come out from Cornwall. We have seen our team grow over the past few years, in particular the past year we have seen long term team members join YWAM Immerse Cornwall. We are seeing the birth of new ministry areas reaching out to youth groups, young adults and overseas ministry locations that we would connect with through our international outreaches.

Our role as the team leaders is to support and champion our team as they grow in leadership and areas that they serve.

We carry a number of different roles including finances, administration and networking. Here are some of our other key ministry areas.


One of our biggest passions is discipleship. We love working with young people and seeing them grow in their relationship with God and seeing how He wants them to use their gifts and talents for His kingdom.

We have been leading the Discipleship Training School for the past few years and are excited to be leading the next school in 2021. As we plan ahead we are in faith for God to continue to open the doors for the different nations to come and be trained in Cornwall. Through the DTS we are able to reach out more to the people of Cornwall through weekly ministry opportunities. The international outreach allows the DTS team to serve God in different cultures and serve ongoing and new ministries in those nations.

As we are leading these schools we are mentoring and raising up others to be leading these schools in the future to see the training aspect of YWAM Immerse Cornwall develop to serve both locally and internationally.

Dance Fitness

A passion of Wendy has been using dance fitness to encourage others spiritually, emotionally and physically. This year she has been able to be trained as a qualified Zumba coach and use those skills to support others during this season of lockdown. Having begun leading online  Zumba classes it has become a big support to those who have been able to take part. She sees this growing to minister to others within Cornwall as well as internationally. One of her participants recently commented that if it wasn’t for these classes she would just be sitting in her bed feeling depressed.

Training & Mentoring

Mentoring and teaching is a big part of our personal ministry. Wendy has been regularly teaching on discipleship schools on the areas of identity, authority in Christ and freedom in Christ. As a couple we love sharing with others and mentoring them in their walk with Jesus, whether that be individually or to a youth group. 

We believe that God wants to continue to raise up many more believers to bring God’s kingdom values into all areas of life and be used to reach out to a world that does not yet know Him.

To invite Wendy to teach on a DTS or at a church please contact her by one of the means below.


Alongside leading the team a key area Daniel serves in is using his giftings in media and design, through website and video production. He loves training others in this through teaching in digital communication schools. Presently he is developing online courses that would equip missionaries to use digital communications more effectively to share about their ministry.

Prayer and Worship

Having been involved in serving on worship teams over the years we both have seen the power of worship and prayer. We are involved in different worship and prayer movements in Cornwall. We are passionate to see our ministry in YWAM growing through being rooted in prayer and seeing new worship expressions birthed as part of YWAM Immerse Cornwall.

A family in missions

Serving in missions is a family ministry. When possible our girls are involved in ministry whether it be on an overseas outreach or helping during a teaching.

They are growing more and more in who they are as God’s children and regularly encourage and challenge us in our own journey with God.


Youth With A Mission is a global movement of Christians from many cultures, age groups and Christian traditions, dedicated to serving Jesus throughout the world.

Also known as YWAM (pronounced “WHY-wham”), we unite in a common purpose to know God and to make Him known.

We have both served with YWAM in the UK and Ecuador. Daniel joined YWAM after completing his Discipleship Training School in 1999. Wendy began her journey with YWAM in 2002, joining staff full-time in 2006.

Find out more on our story.

We'd love to stay connected.

We send out regular news and prayer requests, we’d love to stay connected with you to share about what God is doing here in Cornwall.