I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart"
Psalms 9:1

Family Time
During this third COVID lockdown in the UK, we received news from a dear friend in Ecuador who contracted COVID and was in a coma. During this time we were praying as family for her and Saria suddenly came with a thought of wanting to fundraise to help her financially, as the hospital in Ecuador was charging them about $2500 per day.
Saria had been already talking to a friend of school about doing this, so they decided to do a skipathon where they would skip for 3 miles to fundraise. It was a challenge for her, but we are so proud in the way how she persevered. There were tears in the way and times when she didn’t want to do it anymore, but her perseverance was amazing and she finished really well. She managed to fundraise for two things that were in her heart. One was our friend for Ecuador and the other one was a charity in Cornwall that works with young people called Oriel Ministries.
We love these guys so much and and for years they have been investing so much in young people bringing identity to the teenage girls. We have had the privilege of working alongside with them in their events that they run every fall until COVID hit. You can find out more about their ministry at www.orielministries.org
During this easter my lesson this year...
During this easter my only request for Jesus was to know Him more and wanting to go deeper as I have been asking more of Him, that was my cry at least. I want to do more of Jesus in my family life, as a mother, as a wife, as a leader. As I have been crying out for more of Him, very gently but also strongly I started seeing how sometimes I am looking for more, but not realising that He is giving more and the thing is that as I am studying more the person of Jesus. He is a person that enjoyed always being in the Father’s presence and it has been interesting to see how much in this culture we can ask constantly for more, but what if the more is in the present, what if that more that we are asking is right here around us. I have been reading a book about being busy and how much being busy has become a distraction to even see how Jesus is in action in our lives, but sometimes we miss it because we are constantly looking for that “more”, don’t get me wrong I want more of His presence in my life, but personally I am seeing so much that sometimes I can easily be mistaken and start comparing the “more of Him” and miss “His presence”.
COVID has been such a lesson I guess for many to realised that stopping is important to appreciate what we have and what has been given to us in this world. To recognise and to enjoy who He is and His presence in my life.

G7 in Cornwall
The G7 (Group of Seven) is a meeting made up of the world’s seven largest so-called advanced economies. They are Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK and the United States.
The UK holds the G7 presidency for 2021 and announced in January that the meeting would take place in Cornwall. The region is seen as central to the UK’s green technology sector. Showing off the country’s green credentials is important to the government ahead of the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow in November. More info click here.
Different churches and organisation leaders from Cornwall have come together along with World Prayer Centre to intercede for this time. We are having the amazing opportunity of helping out in different ways. As part of the media and worship team in our church, Daniel has been helping with live streaming of the churches worship and prayer times. As a YWAM team we will also be leading a prayer time during this week.

Unity in the body of Christ
We have been so blessed and amazed to witness such a unity between church pastors and leaders and feel so privilege to be part of it through media and different ways of worship.
As a team we have felt so honoured to have so many amazing pastors that care so much for people. Honestly, we have met in these last years so many pastors that will do anything for that lost sheep. If you sometime come to visit Cornwall, you will feel so blessed to meet them. Each of them with their unique gifts have such a strong heart for people and discipleship. It is just amazing and that is why as a team we have felt to honour that, by making a small gift to honour them. At the end of the day it is because of them that we are here, because they are the ones that had the perseverance to speak into our lives once and again, they are the ones that intercede for us when we were not stray and they are the ones that fed us spiritual and physical food when we needed the most. Because of that and so much more, we felt to say thank you during this pandemic, as they have been working so much and they have become those heart doctors I call it that have been so close to us, making sure each of their sheep are ok.

Outreach teams
During these last weeks, we have been so blessed in having outreach teams joining us. They have been doing different ministry, such as street evangelism, working with youth, serving the local churches, intercession and serving through practical work and being part of a drive in worship organised by different local churches.
We have had such a rich time and the Lord has been working in amazing ways.
- A skater got healed from his ankle as we prayed for him.
- We were able to speak truth to a girl that just came to Jesus and now she is coming to church and being discipled.
- Sixteen people were open for us to pray for them while we were doing street evangelism.
- We have been so encouraged to see how much people are open to hear the gospel and amazed to see how God has been doing miracles.
- An Ecuadorian family from Otavalo, felt to come to Cornwall to see us. As we welcomed them and came with us to all the things that we were doing that week. We invited them to the drive in worship that we were helping at. God reminded the husband of a vision he had years ago and told him that he will see that soon, months later he is standing right there and there was the confirmation for them of moving to Cornwall to join us as local volunteers..
- The outreach teams have brought so much life and joy to the local members in the churches, especially after this lockdown.
Thank you so much for walking with us in this journey of missions. We are also thankful to those that respond every time to our newsletter with prayer requests and also encouragements. We love so much knowing that there is a two way correspondence, where we can hear from you as well. Please do let us know how you are doing and how can we pray for you.
Lots of love,
Daniel, Wendy, Ella & Saria