I have been trying to put a name to all these past months and the word that comes to mind is “grateful”. God has done so much in our lives since June and we have seen so much of how present is He in our midst.
This month we are finishing a new season and entering another one, just as summer is coming to its end and we start getting ready for autumn.
Our summer was full on. We managed to host 80 – 90 people who came to bless the county of Cornwall and also we managed to host missionaries that needed a break and have sometime to rest and enjoy the beautiful county.

Tour Bus – Sovereign was born out of the vision of a local church to serve the wider community in Cornwall. The heart and vision is share the good news of Jesus by resourcing, serving and connecting local communities. Wavehouse church in Newquay planned to convert a double decker bus into a mobile community space with coffee machine, sound system, screens, seating area & WiFI.
The idea being that it can be used by various community activities, e.g. Youth Work, Parent Toddler groups, OAP coffee mornings, Surf and Music festivals, Life Skills Courses etc.
We managed to mobilize 42 YWAMers to help and be part of the vision and were witness of many salvations, baptisms, healings, etc. God was so much on the move seeing churches and charity leaders coming together to make it happen.
More info wavehouse.org.uk/sovereign/

Creation Fest – This year creation fest was over 3 days and it was so amazing to see how many local people came in unity to help and make it happen. We love creation fest and feel so inspired by seeing how much financial challenge was going to be to make it happen, but as they prayed they felt to go for it. We love seeing how they have been so obedient to His voice.
We had the opportunity to share and support through media and bring some volunteers to help support.
Mission Adventures – We felt so blessed by hosting for first time Mission Adventures in Cornwall. We had 21 people (12 teenagers) joining to serve in different ways. It was so inspiring and amazing to see teenagers hungry for Jesus and wanting to share about Him wherever they go. They inspire us and serve so well.

New Staff
We are so excited to have one new staff and one new volunteer as Mission Builder that join us and have been such a blessing to our team.
Caleb our Mission Builder has been such a blessing by using his carpentry skills in the house. This has been an answer to prayer for a few projects in the house that we needed to have them done.
Tara has joined us since June and she will be serving us by connecting with one of our local churches by helping in youth cafe, school youth work, attending services on Sunday and serving in any other area that the church needs. She also will be supporting us as staff in DTS.
What is coming
DTS – We are getting ready to run the Discipleship Training School that will start the end of September with the next three months being the lecture phase. We have 4 applicants accepted and we are very excited to get to know them and still praying for more applicants to join this adventure.
Seminars- We will be running three seminars alongside the DTS. Counselling, Living Word Seminar and Discipleship Seminar.