And the Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him. The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and strength. The Spirit of knowledge and of the〔reverential and obedient〕 fear of the Lord. Isaiah 11:2 AMP

This year has been such an interesting year for all of us and still we are going with so many uncertainties, but something that we know is that God is good and He is the same no matter the circumstances.
But it has also been another year of HIs faithfulness, goodness, mercy, grace, compassion, caring, protection, provision, His presence and so many more areas of His character that we have been witness to. What part of His character have you seen in this year?

After 6 months of being in lockdown due to COVID-19. We decided with our leadership team to have a time of reflection and debrief with our team. This time was so needed to process as individuals and also as team.
God moved so much amongst our team and we could sense how needed this time was for the whole team. We took time to reflect, pray, worship and debrief, as well as celebrate the goodness of God.

Us and our team partnered with one of our local churches to provide free meals for the school break that many kids have. Normally in the UK kids have their free lunch at school. Due to COVID many families have been struggling and so it was such an amazing opportunity for us to help out in this way. We were able to give more than 120 meals to families along with gospels and stories for the kids.
We had an amazing testimony about one of the families that came to get their meals for their kids. The father was very touched by this and he touched our hearts. We prayed for him that the Lord somehow will help us to meet him again. One week later, we heard from the pastor that this family decided to go to church.

The UK government decided to go for a full lockdown again. This month we had a lot of time to pray, worship and intercede. We did a lot of prayer walks and declarations for God’s presence in this place.
As we were walking in one of the places we found the history of Cornwall and how connected it is to many countries. How many miners went to other places. This was so encouraging for us to know that this place’s heritage is to send people to the nations and to bring nations.

Two of our girls from our team have been praying to run a seminar online for singles. So November was the month of planning to launch our first singleness, sex and self-control seminar for young adults. We had 76 young adults who registered. The girls were facilitating the seminar, while Daniel was the man making sure all the technology works well.
It was so encouraging to see how God people’s hunger for more of Jesus. We were also able to teach in one of those days and it was such a blessing for us to be part of it. Our prayer is constantly that the Holy Spirit was revealing Himself and encountering them so much to each one of them.
We also attended to a drive in church service which was in the town where we have the ministry and it was very encouraging to see many different churches and people coming to declare and worship God.

Dance fitness
Wendy keeps doing Zumba and through these last months her students have increased, having about 15 students through the week where each day she has between 3 – 8 students per day online. It has been very encouraging to hear from them how much Zumba has been helping them during this time.
Family time

These last months, our girls have been in school and they are happy to be back after a few months of being in lockdown. We had a new member in the family who loves having cuddles and gives company to our other guinea pig. Who would have thought that an Ecuadorean will have a guinea pig as pet. If you don’t know what I mean you can research what are guinea pigs for, in Ecuador.
During this last month also our girls have been receiving Spanish classes through a program called lingo plaza, which it has been amazing to see how they are growing in more confidence and learning their second language, as well as having their first classes surfing.
They have enjoyed in the afternoons making cards to send to all our friends and family.
We have been very grateful that Cornwall is one of the lowest regions of the UK in COVID and we are praying for so many people that we know that have got COVID.
Thank you to Jesus for His provision
This month we were also hugely blessed to be able to buy a car. We want to thank all of you who gave and were praying for this as it means we are able to continue to more easily serve here in Cornwall.
Coming up...
- Digital Communication Seminar
- Biblical Overview Seminar
- Hospitality Seminar
- Healthy Lifestyle Seminar
- Discipleship Seminar
Discipleship Training School
- September DTS 2021
- Receiving different outreach teams