After months of praying we have found a house for our family.
As you know we started this journey almost a year ago, when we prayed about how our team might grow and to make space for that growth. For the past 6+ years in Cornwall we have lived in the YWAM house along with the single staff members and various teams and schools we have hosted. As we prayed into seeing our team grow we felt God challenging us to step out and find somewhere for our family to live. This will give us our own family space (as well as some space to have guests visit) and will allow the team to grow by giving some more space in the YWAM house.
The hand of God was so much in this house we found, as it was through a friendship and seeing them pray about suggesting us to the landlords. The landlords who are also believers prayed into it and felt they should rent to us.
We will be moving this week so we’d appreciate your prayers for the move and as we settle into our new home. It will be a big adjustment as our family has not lived outside of a YWAM community, but we are looking forward to having our family times there.
GOD IS SO GOOD We have received another supporter and it is so exciting to see how many people are being part of this journey.