Our time in Ecuador
The first week of December we ran a retreat alongside two churches from the north of the capital of Ecuador (Quito). It was amazing to see how much God did. We had 46 participants and we were so blessed by having some friends coming from Costa Rica to speak about business and how to glorify God through it and how it can be linked with missions.
We had lots of testimonies from people and how much the God impacted them on the retreat.

local church
We also had the amazing opportunity to share in two local churches and help with worship. It was so good to connect with everybody else and spend some time with different people from our church. We had lots of times having lunches and dinner with people.
ywam base

We went to visit the YWAM base in Baños. In Spanish YWAM is called Jucum and the base named themselves Jucum Agua Viva, which means YWAM Living Water. Baños is a little town 4 hours from the capital very close to the jungle in the amazon. There are lots of opportunities to serve, so we are hoping to bring outreach teams in the future. We loved getting to know the team and ministries that they have as well as the beauty of the jungle.
As we went to serve them we prayed with them about the best way we could serve. They have not had a good web presence and so they jumped at having us build a website for them to help share about their ministries and recruit for their training programs they plan to run. We spent a lot of time taking photos of the base and team as well as working with them on all the text content for the website, so watch out for their website coming soon.