Partner with us to minister to Cornwall and the Nations

Love | Connect | Serve

Supporting the Snells ministry trips to Ecuador

We have reached the goal for our Outreach and time in Ecuador Thank you

your generosity made this possible


YWAM’s 16th value is to Practice Dependence on God.

We have seen God’s faithfulness over the years as we have served full-time with YWAM. Through the generosity of His people we have been able to serve here in the UK and different nations around the world.

Our support team is a crucial part of our ministry and without the prayers, encouragement and financial giving of those who want to stand with us in our ministry we wouldn’t be able to do this work.

We rely fully on the financial giving for our work. If you would like to partner with us by becoming a regular supporter or would like to give a one off gift you can do so through the links below.

As you pray for us and our work and feel there is another way you would like to support us, whether it be through a gift or through your time please contact us.

Every gift whether large or small is a huge encouragement to us to keep running this race serving God. 

If you feel led to give using one of the means below please get in touch as well so we can thank you. If you have any questions you’d like to talk over please do not hesitate to contact us.

We have reached part of our monthly support for this year



We are very grateful to everybody that is part of our regular support, without this we would not be able to disciple in Cornwall and lead at YWAM Immerse. We are just under halfway to reach our monthly budget goal. This goal could be split in different ways but one example of different giving would help us reach this goal. We are going to be doing a fundraising during Christmas for our yearly or monthly support.

We have really been blessed living in the YWAM house these past years alongside the singles who are on staff and hosting schools and teams. YWAM Immerse is needing to see more space for single staff and trainees as we get ready for our schools since last May. As family we have moved to a separate accommodation to give more space within the YWAM house. 

This support will cover our monthly expenses for us to live and maintain the house where we live.  

We would love you to be part of this journey and be a part of God’s work in Cornwall and the nations. Would you pray and see if you can be one of the monthly seeds or a one off towards our yearly needs to see us reach our needed budget. Any amount is greatly received and makes a big difference in our ministry to Cornwall and the nations.

UK Giving

For UK giving you can give through our Stewardship Account using Stewardship’s With Stewardship you can make a one off gift or setup a monthly gift towards our ministry and living expenses.

For UK tax payers you can also Gift Aid your giving, meaning your giving will be increased by 25%.

Canada Giving

For Canada residents tax deductible giving can be made online through the button.


  • For credit card, you can do it through the blue button.
  • For debit transfer, you can do it through the green button, download the form and send it to YWAM Canada and please send a copy to our email.


Deposits can be done through 
Cta. Corriente 0200048253
Wendy Susana Hurtado Moya 

any extra information needed for deposit feel free to contact us .

USA Giving

For USA residents tax deductible giving can be made online through the button below or via Cheques made payable to YWAM sent to
YWAM, PO Box 3000, Garden Valley, TX 75771-3000

Please attach a note stating the donation is for Daniel and Wendy Snell
(cheques must not be marked with our names)


If you are unable to give through or through the USA Tax Deductible you can also make donations through PayPal.

We'd love to stay connected.

We send out regular news and prayer requests, we’d love to stay connected with you to share about what God is doing here in Cornwall.