This is our third newsletter of this year and wow what a year has been, who would have thought that we would be facing a global pandemic? We have been praying for churches and all of you as supporters during this time and want to let you know how grateful we are that you guys are with us in this journey.
As you know this year we have been in lockdown and constantly hearing the government regulations to know what we can and can’t do. I must admit the whole team and ourselves are grateful that we can start doing more ministry outside now and not being only inside with 10 of us in the house.

As you might know from the previous newsletter we have started to help in leading youth groups with some churches (one is joined by two churches from Camborne and the other one is with a church in St. Austell). Our team has been running the youth groups through the pandemic via Zoom and now it is such a joy to be able to start meeting with the teenagers in person, still being very careful, but it has been very important for us to keep doing this. This month we have received within 2 weeks sad news about 5 – 9 teenagers from the county committing suidice within the range of 14- 18 years old. None of them are from the youth groups that we are helping lead, but still it has been a concern for us as a team and a privilege to know that God at the moment wants us to keep helping the churches in this area. This month one of our team members will be helping a church in Redruth to open another youth group, so this is very exciting, but also a lot of prayers will be needed for us and our team to keep going and to be a good support to the pastors, teenagers and family members.
Our new challenge … prayer for a new car
Since we came to Cornwall our challenges and needs have changed so much. You know as a missionary wherever you go, you have to be ready to embrace the culture where you are and this is our heart and call to prepare missionaries and to walk alongside them while they are in the field. It has been interesting to see our different challenges to face. One of our main ones has been transportation. Cornwall is located at the end of South West of England (for the ones that don’t live in the UK) and it is interesting how much we have to travel from one place to another as it is a very rural area. Basically without transportation here you can’t do much. We travel an average 1-2 hours daily with all the different trips we need to make.
Daniel and I have been remembering and having a time of gratitude to God for everything that has happened since we came to Cornwall almost 4 years ago and one of those things has been remembering how we have gone through 6 different cars, oh let me share with you the miracles that we have gone with each of them, basically, every single time our car has been about to break literally within a day or so, God has provided the money and the other car. There was even a time when we were lent a car until we got another one, so we have been so blessed and amazed to see God’s provision seeing that as one car is coming to its end, then another one has been provided. God is so good and we remember this with so much gratitude. Isn’t it amazing?

I love to see how God is so much in details, to know how much a car is needed here. There have been times when we have been able to have 2 cars as while one of us is driving the team to serve alongside with other ministries or churches or to do evangelism or prepare for our training times, the other one needs to do shopping for the team or pick up the girls from school and do the different family errands, but the little one that we had, sadly broke down fully and we needed to concentrate on making sure in the one that we have at the moment can still run. Our hearts jumped with excitement remembering how during these almost 4 years God has been in the whole journey providing and so thankful to all those who have given or helped us during these times.
As many of you know this year, we started having some issues with our current car which has been repaired about 4 times. We took it again to the mechanic and he just told us to get ready for us to not have this car anymore as by this December it will be the end for it, so we have been praying with Daniel and our girls and although we know God will provide another one and we have been looking and processing with some of our leaders and elders, we felt God is challenging us to start praying and trusting in getting a car that can last for longer years. We have been looking and the cost is not what we have so far, but this is our new challenge. Would you join us to pray with us for this? We have received some donations towards the car a few months ago, which we are so grateful to so many that have helped us in this way and now we are pushing through, to be able to get a newer car that can last longer.

We love sharing with you our news, because you are so much a part of our missionary journey. Wherever we go and people ask us about how we are supported in missions and they know that we have people behind us in this journey and that is the testimony of what the body of Christ does, we support each other wherever we are. I love to know that we are not in this alone and again we want to thank you so so much for sending messages, calls and emails to see how we are doing, especially through this pandemic. As we understand this has been so challenging for all of us, please do let us know how we can pray for you. We have decided to separate a day weekly now to take time to pray for all our partners and sponsors, as we know that without God and you, we definitely wouldn’t be able to lead the YWAM Immerse team to impact in this county. So thank you again for being part of this and we would love to have you visiting sometime when hopefully this pandemic is over.
Blessings and lots of love from us four.
Daniel, Wendy, Ella & Saria
If you would like to support us financially with our new car or would like to support us on a regular basis please visit our partner page.